From then, to Now
The Healthcare Co-op Federation of Canada (HCC) was founded in 2011 as a professional association to federate healthcare co-operatives across Canada that have existed since the 1960s, to advocate for their development and celebrate their ability to enact change in their communities. Together, with La Fédération des coopératives de santé du Québec (FCSQ), we represent healthcare co-ops from coast to coast. To learn more about our story, click the link below.

Congratulations on your retirement Hugh!
Hugh Nelson is the Executive Director of Y’s Owl Maclure, and has served the developmental community for 51 years…

HCC & ICHO Meet at Co-op Congress 2021
Nancy Heinrichs, Executive Director of Nor West Co-operative , in Winnipeg, MB, and Michael Norris, HCC Administrator met with José Perez in Seoul…

Indigenous Health Co-op Development
Recently, Michael Norris travelled to the Attawapiskat First Nation, to, among other things, advocate for Indigenous co-operative development…