HCCFC Structure
The HCCFC is a federally incorporated co-operative. Membership is open to any co-op in Canada that provides wellness, social services or health services as the primary focus, or as a secondary focus, of its work. Organizations that work to encourage the development of such co-ops are welcomed as affiliate members. Co-ops outside Canada are welcomed as affiliate members.
The HCCFC members in each province select a representative and alternate to serve on the Board. In addition to the provincial and territorial representatives we are entitled to include up to three “at large” directors on the Board.
In addition to the Board, every member appoints one or more representatives to participate in Annual General Meetings, Board calls and other discussions.
The Board and general representatives are particularly active in responding to enquiries within the membership. Although each co-op is unique, we have much to share, face similar opportunities and challenges, and are happy to share our experience and ideas.
All members and “friends” are welcomed as participants in Board meetings. The larger member co-ops generously hosts these calls.