Spring 2016
Yet another excellent meeting with Federal officials in Ottawa!
Events of the HCCFC, our members and others in the sector across Canada and internationally.
Yet another excellent meeting with Federal officials in Ottawa!
It’s time to reserve now to participate in the leading global co-op event! https://www.sommetinter.coop/en/medias/news/how-do-you-validate-your-strategic-plan
Umbrella Co-op, Vancouver has launched a fundraising campaign online at: fundrazr.com/campaigns/b15Ayb Alternately people can support the campaign by mailing a cheque to BC Multicultural Health Services Society at 1-630 B Carnarvon St, New Westminster, BC V3M 1E5. Of course, all donations online, or by cheque will receive a charitable tax receipt. If you are active …
Congratulations to Victoria Health Co-op on its 2015 Wellness Fair: 33 dynamic speakers, 15 displays, lots of community interest. Emily MacDonald introducing Hans Kai to our audience.
Join us in Winnipeg Dec 6-9 2015 for our Annual General Meeting, site visit, youth report, Hans Kai training, Best Practices & Best Programs. Click for the program, and the registration and travel subsidy application.
Will you share your experience at our Annual Meeting? Winnipeg, Dec 6 – 9, hosted by NorWest Co-op including the AGM, Youth engagement presentation, Site visits, Hans Kai training, and Learning Exchange (your opportunity to share your best practice or best program.)
The 2nd Summit attracted over 3,000 co-operators from 93 countries. Well-ness, health and social services will again be a focus in 2016. October 11 – 13 in Quebec City. Contact us for details of HCCFC involvement!
The 2nd Summit attracted over 3,000 co-operators from 93 countries! Well-ness, health and social services will again be a focus in Quebec City during Oct 11-13 2015. Contact us for details of HCCFC involvement.
Evening of Dec 6 through Dec 9 2015 Thanks to NorWest, Winnipeg for hosting. AGM, Site Visits, Learning Exchange. Members and guests equally welcome. Watch for details.
Our Learning Exchange, Oct 6, Convention Centre, Québec City, will bring together Health Co-op experts from across Canada, the UK, Italy, Brazil, Australia, Argentina, Japan and France. Each will present one outstanding Best Practice that can be adapted or adopted by other Health Co-ops. Some will focus on the financial aspects of enabling co-op …