Winter 2013 Review
- Since our Annual General Meeting we have:
- Met with Ontario Co-op Council, drafted a new module on health co-ops for their e-learning program, discussed specific health and elder-care co-op opportunities.
- Media interviews for Central One, Vancity and the Co-op Summit publication. See
- Met with BC MLAs
- We were shocked and deeply saddened by the sudden death of Ian McPherson and will participate in any way possible in the CCA’s Memorial Fund.
- The Global Summit will be Oct 6 – 9 in Québec. The IHCO meeting will probably be Sat Oct 4th or Thurs 10th. Probable dates for our AGM Fri 3rd or Fri 11th.
- We are supporting the application to the McConnell Foundation being prepared by Nor’West.
- Nor’West is organizing a Hans Kai conference call in late January or early February.
- Thanks to John Overall, we discovered why the website was dead – the original provider, although paid till June 2014, was directing everything to an inaccessible parking lot. So now we are working on updates. Send us your latest news, including celebration photos!
Plans for 2014
This is already shaping up to be a great year. Plan to JOIN us:
- As a member of the Health Care Co-operatives Federation of Canada.
- At our Annual General Meeting in Quebec in October, and at the AGMs of our members across Canada.
- At our regional meeting in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting of Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada (the new bi-lingual co-op association made up of members transferring from the Canadian Co-op Association and Le Conseil canadien de la coopération et de la mutualité.
- At the meeting of the International Health Co-op Organization in Quebec, October 2014.
- In working with the CMC and La Fédération des coopératives de services a domicile et de sante du Québec (FCSDSQ) to plan and implement research into the effectiveness and efficiency of health care co-operatives.
Benefits of membership in the Health Care Co-operatives Federation of Canada:
- Opportunities to share best practices of health care co-ops from across Canada
- Discount from the Copy Centres of Staples across Canada.
- Enhanced visibility and stronger voice across Canada and internationally.