Electronic Access
Would YOUR co-op like to provide electronic access for your members/patients? Check out this program from Health Connex and contact Curtis Tobin.
Would YOUR co-op like to provide electronic access for your members/patients? Check out this program from Health Connex and contact Curtis Tobin.
Please register now for your AGM Dec 7-9 2015. This year includes site tours with our wonderful hosts, the NorWest Co-op in Winnipeg, full training for adult and youth Hans Kai programs and insights into the wide range of groups adopting this outstanding program. Other member co-ops will give overviews of their outstanding, replicable programs. …
Are you curious about how a Wellness, Health or Social Service co-op could serve your community? Or about how your could integrate one of our programs into your existing co-op to shift the focus for your workers, consumers or community from “repairing injuries and healing illness” to helping individuals and groups to achieve and maintain …
Health, Wellness and Social Service co-ops intro in Calgary TODAY! Read More »
Are you curious about how a Wellness, Health or Social Service co-op could serve your community? Or about how your could integrate one of our programs into your existing co-op to shift the focus for your workers, consumers or community from “repairing injuries and healing illness” to helping individuals and groups to achieve and maintain …
Health, Wellness and Social Service co-ops intro in Calgary Dec 4th Read More »
Congratulations to Victoria Health Co-op on its 2015 Wellness Fair: 33 dynamic speakers, 15 displays, lots of community interest. Emily MacDonald introducing Hans Kai to our audience.
Please register now for your AGM which includes site tours with our wonderful hosts, the NorWest Co-op in Winnipeg, full train for adult and youth Hans Kai programs and insights into the wide range of groups adopting this outstanding program. Other member co-ops will give overviews of their outstanding, replicable programs. Book your hotel now …
Congratulations to Ministers Philpott, Duclos, Hehr, Mihychuck and Qualtrough. Health, Wellness and Social Service Co-ops across Canada look forward to working with all Ministries that focus on reduction of suffering, prevention of illness and accidents. Using community-based strategies optimizes wellness and reduces costs.
Newly released study on co-operatives in Manitoba and the impact on communities: Manitoba Study
Join us in Winnipeg Dec 6-9 2015 for our Annual General Meeting, site visit, youth report, Hans Kai training, Best Practices & Best Programs. Click for the program, and the registration and travel subsidy application.
Will you share your experience at our Annual Meeting? Winnipeg, Dec 6 – 9, hosted by NorWest Co-op including the AGM, Youth engagement presentation, Site visits, Hans Kai training, and Learning Exchange (your opportunity to share your best practice or best program.)